Looks like you're 0.0% under budget.

You might want the city to spend less money (many people agree), but right now we’re only allowing balanced submissions.

Allocate 100% of the budget before submitting your survey.

Welcome to the Survey

The New York City budget should reflect the needs of the people who live here. You should have a say in how our money gets spent.

This task can be a little overwhelming, that’s okay. It’s one step towards a more representative allocation of the city’s resources.

Live outside the bronx?

Bronx Residents
I live outside of the Bronx

We appreciate your interest in this project, feel free to try out the tool!

I live outside of the Bronx

We appreciate your interest in this project, feel free to try out the tool!

Bronx-wide Coalition

Bronx People's Budget Survey
  1. Change the budget according to your needs and priorities
  2. Ensure that your allocation is at 100%
  3. Submit the form
$73 Billion*
$73 Billion

43.8% ($32 Billion)

$31.9 Billion

23.3% ($17 Billion)

$17.01 Billion

9.6% ($7 Billion)

$7.01 Billion

5.5% ($4 Billion)

$4.02 Billion

4.1% ($3 Billion)

$2.99 Billion

2.7% ($2 Billion)

$1.97 Billion

2.7% ($2 Billion)

$1.97 Billion

2.1% ($1.5 Billion)

$1.53 Billion

2.1% ($1.5 Billion)

$1.53 Billion

1.4% ($1 Billion)

$1.02 Billion

1.4% ($1 Billion)

$1.02 Billion

1.4% ($1 Billion)

$1.02 Billion
*Approximately $26 billion of the ~$99 billion budget is not adjustable. This includes debt service payments, pension and benefits for city workers, and a miscellaneous budget line. These categories have been omitted from the form.


$73 Billion

Your Allocation

0.0% Over Budget

*Approximately $26 billion of the ~$99 billion budget is not adjustable. This includes debt service payments, pension and benefits for city workers, and a miscellaneous budget line. These categories have been omitted from the form.